How To Set Up an Account on TransferXO

Web Version:

STEP 1: Click on the "Get Started" button to start the account creation process.

STEP 2: Click on “Sign up now” if you are not a registered user. Fill out the necessary information, including your email address, password, and any other requested details.

STEP 3: Once you've completed the form, you will receive a confirmation email. Use the verification code in this email to verify your account. hello i 

STEP 4: After your account is verified, sign in to your account and familiarize yourself with the user interface. As a first time user,  you will see hints and quick tips upon logging in. 

Mobile Version:

Here's a step-by-step guide for signing up as a first-time user on the TransferXO crypto exchange app:

Step1: Open the TransferXO App

Start by launching the TransferXO app on your mobile device. Locate the app icon on your home screen or in your app drawer.

Step 2: Click on "Create an Account"

On the app's welcome screen, you should see an option that says "Create an Account." Tap on this option to initiate the registration process.

Step 3: Enter Your Email Address

A dialogue box will appear requesting your email address. Enter the email address you want to associate with your TransferXO account.

Step 4: Check Your Email for Verification

After providing your email, TransferXO will send a verification email to the address you provided. Open your email inbox and find the email from TransferXO.

Step 5: Enter the OTP (One-Time Password)

Open the verification email and locate the OTP sent by TransferXO. Enter this OTP in the TransferXO app to confirm your email address.

Optional: Change Email (if needed)

If you wish to change the email address you provided earlier, this is the last opportunity to do so. Once you confirm the email, it cannot be changed.

Step 6: Provide Personal Information

On the next screen, you will be prompted to provide your personal information, including:

  • Password: Choose a strong password for your account.

  • First Name: Enter your first name.

  • Last Name: Enter your last name.

Click on Sign Up to proceed.

Step 7: Username, Country, and Referral Code

In the following phase, you'll be asked to provide additional information, including:

  • Username: Choose a valid username for your TransferXO account.

  • Country of Residence: Specify your current country of residence.

  • Referral Code (optional): If you have a referral code, you can enter it here.

Once done, click on Submit to register the information provided. 

    (Note: Be sure to select a strong password to enhance the security of your account.)

Step 8: Create Your Security PIN

On the next screen, create your security PIN. This PIN is essential for authenticating transactions and other activities within the TransferXO app.

Step 9: Click "Complete"

After setting your security PIN, click "Complete" to finish the registration process.

Step 10: Authenticate Your Account (Optional)

You can choose to enhance your account security by setting up your authentication method between the Authy Authentication, and Biometrics Setup. You can also defer this step for later.

Now you have successfully created your TransferXO account and can use it for cryptocurrency transactions and management. Keep your login credentials and security PIN secure to protect your account.

Your dashboard looks like this:

  • You can now explore the functionalities of the app and get yourself ready for your first transaction.